Palestinian Flag Flies in DC

We are proud to see the flag. It’s about time that this flag that symbolizes the struggle of the Palestinian people for self-determination and statehood is raised in the United States. We hope that this will help in the international efforts to provide recognition for the Palestinian state.

—Maen Areikat, Palestinian chief envoy to the United States

The Palestinian flag was flown for the first time over the office of the PLO mission in Washington.

It’s about time.

The event was reported by Haaretz, which adds

Earlier on Tuesday, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said Moscow had recognized Palestinian independence in 1988 and they would continue to do so today.

World-wide, some 100 countries have declared recognition of Palestine.  Guyana has recently said it will recognize the Palestinian state. So have Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia and Ecuador. Europe may follow suit.

The Jerusalem Post and al-Arabiya (photo) also ran the story; Washington Jewish Week noted that the ceremony took place in the freezing rain and was attended by no U.S. diplomats.  The Washington Post ran the AP story.  NYT did not run the story at all.

Fly one, fly them both.

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